Make Your Own Banner With Banner Snack Creation
Banner Snack is a free online banner generator that allows you to easily create animated banner ads and flash animations without flash programming. All you need is a little bit of creativity and the rest you can leave it to this tool.
Banner Snack supports all the standard banner sizes as well as a couple of non-standard sizes. The ability to use custom sizes, however, is available only on premium accounts which starts at $9/month.
Free Banner Advertising simplicity!
Bannersnack also allows you to publish your creation to almost all social media sites and networks!
Create Your Own Widgets and WidgeAds™
Create Your Own Widgets and WidgeAds™ Quick, Easy, With Efficient And Professional Design.
A WidgeAD™ is a new generation of banner advertising that is interactive, engaging and shareable. Using KickApps’ widget technology, WidgeADs™ contain dynamically updated content, keeping them fresh and relevant to viewers, and are a very effective way of driving traffic back to your website. People can easily grab and post WidgeADs™ here’s a screencast tutorial that walks you through how to build one yourself.
If your system couldnt play the flv. flash video when you click the widget building icon above then find a solution here or here!
automated online business
Automated Online Businesses, what are they ? do they work ? and are they really automated online businesses ?
We have heard of horror stories of pilots which either fell asleep or even were drunk, yet with the autopilot system the aircraft arrived safely at its destination.
The same can be done when trying to make an income or make money online. The best way to make money and generate a residual cash flow is by utilizing the Internet. The good news is that the Internet never sleeps. And if you can utilize an online system that can turn cyberspace into a legal money printer, you can make money and generate a streamlined cash flow. The Internet never sleeps, that is why it is so effective.
With the advance of the Internet, anybody can make money online today right now. Young and old are learning how to generate a residual cash flow online on almost complete autopilot. What they do and what prospective Internet entrepreneurs need is a turn key automated hands off website system. One that is already professionally set up and is easy to operate. It must be an easy, streamlined and proven, legitimate online money making cash flow website. Sure there are scams out there, there are many good legitimate opportunities too. But Realistically the system that has the potential to make many ordinary people rich, and create riches online is automated. The key is getting hold of that complete automated system. Finding out what is popular amongst people and how to give it to them, for example: if some one wants something then they are not likely to spend any money, but if a person NEEDS something they are more likely to buy what they NEED at any cost. Simple really - tailor your promotions around what people NEED and GIVE it to them - this is the first stage in business automation and is called RESEARCH! Finding out what makes consumers tick what they want and need.
This can be done relatively quickly with all of the online tools in existence.
Few things can top the feeling you get in the morning when you wake up and go check your mail and realize you made money last night. You might hear "You've got mail," and then sift through the trash and spam you got from whoever in the world. You feel a little better when you get that reply from Dan who you've been waiting for the longest time to get back to you. Or you Miller, your old school buddy has signed up to or and requested you as a friend.
But once you hear "You've got cash," your day is made. You just made $200.00 while you slept. Or perhaps you made money amounts such as $60 multiple times over. Too good to be true? Not really this happens all over the world all day nearly every day!
They say if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Not so with making money online. Cash can be generated on a consistent basis. People all over the world are making a residual income and cash flow by utilizing the Internet.
Many others, me included, have signed up for programs that brought them nowhere. We pull out our credit card, and pay for something online, just to realize we just signed up for something that will not work. How about that last time you signed up for a $39.00 access to websites that would pay you to fill out surveys. Or even pay you thousands of dollars to fill out surveys, try products, or just get mail. You work your behind of, filling out all these stupid boxes, and get paid $0.02 for it. Then you can get $5.00 just for signing up for a product. The catch is that you would be charged $29.00 in 14 days for the product.
So you think okay let's just do it. "I'll cancel my membership after a couple of days and keep the $5.00." Then life gets busy, and before you know it the 14 days have expired, and you are now charged $29.00 for a product you didn't even want, but you signed up for it because you would get $5.00.
This is not the way to make money online. Making money online on the Internet is not supposed to be this tough. You don't have to be scammed out of your hard earned money. You don't have to fall for their get rich quick schemes.
To earn money and generate a cash flow online using the Internet, you have to keep two main principles in mind. Firstly you WILL have to do SOME work! Secondly, you WILL have to pay a DECENT PRICE to get started.
So now the question is, How much work do you have to do to make money online? And the second question is, How much will you have to pay for a legitimate money churning website that will generate a cash flow while you sleep?
Let's first deal with the amount of work. If a program claims you just have to give it 2 hours a week, STAY AWAY FROM THOSE CHARLATANS! Just forget about them!
You should only spend between 7 and 14 hours a week on the Internet business, that's just 1 to 2 hours a day making money online. Then let your website work for you, while you go to the movies, have a good night's sleep, whatever. Then when you wake up the next day, again, go ahead and work on it another 1 to 2 hours, then leave it. If you have a legitimate online money making website, you will get back to it again the next morning, rejoice at your profits and do your next 1 hour of work. This is how much time it takes to make money online or generate cash on the Internet.
Do your research, build an automated system, test, review rinse and repeat.
In the beginning, you will probably put in more hours than this to set up your website... but you can spend money and get the system built for you by professional freelancers! you pop along to a website to purchase a flash/html template give it to a freelance editor to fill with content get it back buy a domain name, upload your new content filled website template to your hosting server and bobs your mothers brother. set up a premium auto responder to squeeze/capture leads into a pre copy written email series or sales funnel that you can also purchase,give an incentive for free to convert visitors to subscribers- people always go for something that is free! and this is where the behind the scenes autopilot cash is generated, once you have 6 months worth of emails all set to be delivered at the different times and those high converting promotional mails could potentially squeeze thousands of dollars out of each subscriber. This is where you can build a relationship with your subscribers or future prospective "consumers/customers" on auto pilot as every new subscriber will typically go through a series of warming messages heck even a free tutorial guide that sweetens them up for the promotion that they will be interested in and more than likely purchase as long as you have targeted the right traffic in the first place. This is where automated business automation takes another step with marketing, THERE ARE HUNGRY MARKETS IN EVERY LANGUAGE SO EFFECTIVELY YOU COULD SET YOUR MARKETING CAMPAIGN TO FOLLOW THE EARTHS ORBIT AROUND THE SUN AND ON ITS AXIS BY TARGETING A CHOSEN PROVEN GLOBAL MARKET CAMPAIGN FOR EACH COUNTRY AS IT HITS DAYLIGHT IN THEIR CHOSEN LANGUAGE! now this is another story but you can research search engine keywords in different languages! different time zones! I can be sure that a woman in France or Germany will want to buy hair straighteners and i can look up the search term translate it online with a simple tool and research search volume demographics major cities competitor websites and search engine ads + links volume of traffic to a site etc etc
I mean if I was going to try and promote hair straighteners to bald men I would be in allot of trouble and my advertising budget wouldn't last a day - there is no relevancy, also if I had chose to sell thimbles I would be chasing a hopeless cause because there is not enough profit margin on the product and nor any search traffic volume to sustain the business and profitability.
Research is a vital 1st key component in any automated business venture.
Being able to generate a highly targeted audience while you sleep is crucial to any automated online business venture.
Being able to give people exactly what they NEED or want is a key component in ANY business venture.
An auto responder series and being able to capture subscribers and communicate to build rapport is a key component in any automated online business venture.
persist and you shall succeed in reaching the sky- probably alot sooner than you think!
you know why? I just recently wrote a review on Clickbank pirate, Clickbank if you haven't heard of it is a massive affiliate and producer network website where producers can put their instantly down loadable digital products and allow affiliates to promote them for commissions. Clickbank deals with all the processing and as you can imagine there is no stock to be controlled, everything is instantly down loadable and automated. Clickbank Pirate is complete turnkey website business that has every thing set up to get you ripping money from clickbank as an affiliate, this is no understatement all your part to play is learning to market the email squeeze pages!
Great content and highly recommended.
the best thing about working from home for yourself online is that you can run a six figure monthly income from your laptop and take it with you where ever you go, on holiday even. You do not have to have any inventory/ products to stock or ship if you don't want to - you don't even have to make sales just direct someone to a site where they fill out the fields on a form they submit and you get paid! automate that process with a proven system and use your "noggins" it can really be that simple.
When you expand your profits then you can employ your own staff become a ltd company Director Put the online systems in place and let others run them!
streetwise marketing
Streetwise marketing is completely planned on direct response.
Streetwise marketing requires pretty much the same skills as those required for the internet marketer today who writes and presents e-mails, blogs, static web pages and other web-related and multiple-media-related avenues (based upon street knowledge: what works now and what doesn’t on the Internet) to sell products effectively. To have such streetwise marketing plans, it is necessary to craft an overview with positioning statements. Consider these points of focus for your streetwise marketing plans:
1) Streetwise marketing plans include important strategies for specific services or products. It is has been observed that these plans have more relevance than budget numbers. In such plans, one must add some specifications regarding particular products that are different from your other products. Streetwise marketing plans must include the most important parts such as projected sales, costs and profit predictions.
2) Involving your other colleagues in the Streetwise marketing plan is very beneficial. You can assign each product or a set of similar products to each of your colleagues. It is not possible for a single person to manage all of the products or the services. If that responsibility is on one person, he or she cannot spend adequate time to focus on campaigns for every product. So even if your colleagues have less experience, they can definitely help you make and developing different marketing plans for the assigned products. This will help to increase a sense of responsibility and also motivate them.
3) You can even figure out whether to launch the new product or service or not. And for this purpose while making plans, one must focus on larger issues. For example, advertising often falls into the last stage of a product launch, so don’t concentrate on that in the beginning. You must focus upon issues like pricing, market size, projected sales and competitor implications. Once you have decided that you are definitely going to launch the proposed product or service, then you can plan and implement marketing tactics and then plan different advertisements based on that.
4) Streetwise direct marketing includes web-based marketing like internet-media, webpages and email. Email marketing is a very good marketing option in today’s world for many while it’s still free or at least very affordable. Streetwise marketing also includes database marketing, which is being applied through internet marketing by emails or web pages with leads capture forms most often within the code.
In conclusion, while making streetwise marketing plans, you need to focus on specific goals and expectations from your products and services. This will definitely help you to promote them well.
There is possibility of making mistakes in the beginning but you can improve as time passes and as you launch different products. And last but most important, your streetwise marketing plan must be good enough to earn you a substantial profit. This is a given to grow and succeed today.
By: Parmdeep Vadesha
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Parmdeep Vadesha is a property investment expert and founder of the largest community of property entrepreneurs on the web who buy below market value properties from distressed homeowners facing repossession, divorce and bankruptcy. He writes a monthly newsletter for 70,000 property investors worldwide -